
What’s New Autocount In Version

Update of minimum requirement .Net Framework 4.8. To use AutoCount Accounting 2.1, your machine is required to have .Net Framework 4.8. Most of the OS currently comes together with a built in of .Net Framework 4.8. For normal windows, you can access this from 1. Control Panel 2. Program and Features 3. Turn Windows features […]


Why E-invoice Autocount is needed in Malaysia & How Does E-Invoice Works?

What is the purpose of E-invoicing Autocount? E-invoicing facilitates businesses in electronically generating, receiving, and storing invoices, aiming to enhance efficiency, accuracy, security, and streamline tax compliance. Many people might be curious about the procedure and workflow of e-invoicing introduced by LHDN, and how it can enhance efficiency, save time, and improve transparency in the […]